Home Inspections Lower Anxiety and Improve Marketability

Home Inspections Lower Anxiety and Improve Marketability

  • DC Metro Realty Team
  • 01/26/22

“Home Inspections are key to any home purchase. You know it’s going to be part of the Buyers Contract. Why would they even consider buying your home without one? They want to make sure everything is in good working order when they move in. Why not beat the Buyer to the punch and get one done yourself so you know exactly what needs to be done. It also shows that you care enough about your home to have gone ahead and had one completed. So remove the stress of not knowing what might be wrong and order a Home Inspection yourself.”
DC Metro Realty Team – Denise Buck & Ed Johnson
One of the anxiety highpoints during the sale of a home is waiting for the buyer’s home inspection report. Most sellers willingly disclose what they know about their home to any potential buyers. The concern stems from the inspector finding something that they’re totally unaware of and that it will either cost them a lot of money to correct or the buyer will simply use it to void the contract.
If the inspection does reveal some unknown problem with the home, it’s probably as big a surprise to the buyer who is not as emotionally or financially invested as the seller. It is human nature to fear what you don’t understand and when a report identifies defects, they may simply opt-out of the home.
The solution to the situation may be for the seller to have the home inspected prior to putting it on the market. There is still a risk of becoming surprised by an unknown defect which at that point, would have to be disclosed to potential buyers or repaired by the seller. The advantage is that it creates a baseline to compare discrepancies that may arise when a future buyer has the home inspected.
If the seller’s inspection report is made available during the marketing process, it could give buyers a sense of confidence about the home even though they may still choose to have the home checked by their own inspector.
The cost of the inspection, possibly $500, keeps some sellers from taking this initiative when selling their home. In an effort to minimize their expenses, they forego getting valuable, disinterested 3rd party advice that could help sell their home. On a $175,000 home, the fee for the inspection will probably be less than 3/10 of one percent of the sales price.
Another option to the seller to increase marketability of the property and bolster buyer confidence in the home would be to offer a home protection plan. Generally, the seller doesn’t incur cost for this coverage until the home is sold and there may even be some coverage for the seller during the listing period. The benefit to the buyer is avoiding unanticipated expenses for specific items that are covered during their first year of ownership.
Contact me for recommendations of home inspectors or home protection plans.

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